A Message to White America

A segment of white America was moved by the lynching of George Floyd. Organic protests spawned all over the country only to graduate to international protests. Many whites, particularly the younger generation, are crying out for change. Any human being who witnessed Floyd’s lynching on video should have been moved to act. A segment of White America has expressed a sincere interest in helping the cause. They want to help eradicate racism and live in a state of peace with everyone but seek guidance. In order for the latter to be achieved there are some hard truths that must be embraced by white America. The euphoria and momentum that’s been built based upon the lynching of George Floyd can be sustained, but it must be carried forward based upon truth, adopting an open mind and rallying around a common goal. Floyd’s lynching, while tragic, has provided the impetus to change moving forward. For those who truly want to adopt change below is a road map. I don’t expect to reach everyone. ...