George Floyd: Karma Suggests Minneapolis Must Burn

There is a growing narrative that is being ignorantly embraced by a large segment of the masses. A segment of people have utilized energy condemning protesters/looters/rioters for “destroying their own communities.”

If the city of Minneapolis burns to the ground, it burns. It is a small price to pay for the 401-years of suffering African-Americans have endured in this country.
Now, allow me to explain.

The lynching of George Floyd  lit the stem of the collective frustration with Americas unwillingness to extend the collective privilege whites have enjoyed in this country since they conquered the aboriginal people in the name of racism white supremacy. Now the bomb of frustration has exploded across the country and rightfully so.

To breed a refined clarity of what we are witnessing can only be comprehended by delving into the historical development of this country. It is the only way to understand who is responsible for planting the initial seeds of violence and uprisings to better understand what we are witnessing right before our very eyes.

In 1619 the first slaves were imported to this land from Africa for purposes of laboring first as indentured servants then as full-blown slaves with no rights. The Africans were uprooted from their land, forced to adopt the names of their white slave masters and to adopt Christianity as their religion.
Africans received no compensation for their labor. Slaves were routinely murdered, raped, tortured and crucified in the name of white supremacy.

One of the more heinous tactics utilized to force submission of those slaves who resisted was done to women. Slave masters would command the overseer to hang women who were pregnant upside down from a tree. They were instructed to use a knife and slice the woman’s stomach until the unborn child falls to the ground. The overseer would then stomp the baby to death as other slaves looked on to instill fear so the slaves would remain obedient.

Read John R. Spears Origins of Slavery for added clarity.

George Floyd was lynched for all the world to see by a white overseer named Derek Chauvin to instill fear in African-Americans on May 25, 2020.

December of 1773 American colonists dumped 342 containers of tea owned by the British into the Boston Harbor. The colonists collectively had grown weary of British rule because they no longer wanted to be taxed without proper representation. The colonists were willing to protest and go to war for their beliefs embodied in the concept of freedom and independence.

Patrick Henry famously proclaimed the following: “Give me liberty or give me death.”
George Floyd pleaded, like so many other black men and women before him, for the “liberty” to live another day in proclaiming, “I can’t breathe!”  Instead, of being granted that “liberty” Floyd was met with “death” at the knees of white racists.
June 21, 1788 The United States Constitution was ratified.  Article One, Section Two, Paragraph three characterized blacks as “three-fifths” of a human being. Remember people who looked like me were bound to the ugliness of American slavery. They were regarded as property with no rights to be respected.

April 9, 1865 the Civil War between the North and the South ended with the enactment of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments that was to end slavery, grant citizenship and provide the right to vote. Soon after, emancipated slaves were to receive 40 acres and a mule. To date, African-Americans are still treated like slaves, regarded as second-class and have never received that 40 acres and a mule.
November 10, 1898 former slaves, through persistence and fortitude, built up a wealthy community in Wilmington, North Carolina. Banks, businesses and the politics in the community were owned and controlled by blacks. Whites became agitated at the collective success of blacks so they resorted to their genetic predisposition which is to conquer and divide by way of violence.

Adding fuel to the racists’ jealousy was an editorial written in the Wilimington Daily Record which was an African-American newspaper. The article was in response to the lynching African-American men for engaging in sexual relations with white women. Primarily, whites became angry with the progress made by blacks but the editorial served as the catalyst for angry whites to justify attacking blacks. A mob of 400-500 white racists attacked blacks, destroyed their businesses, beat and murdered them because of jealousy, racism and a newspaper article denouncing lynchings.

Meanwhile, George Floyd was lynched over an alleged counterfeit $20.00 bill by white supremacists.
In 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma had a community called Black Wall Street. It had the same type of ownership and aspirations for independence and control like in Wilmington but to a larger degree. At the time it was the wealthiest black community in the United States.

Ironically on Memorial Day May 31, 1921 the initial catalyst for the massacre of Black Wall Street would commence. A white female elevator operator claimed to have been assaulted by a black male downtown. Word circulated rapidly amongst whites.

Armed with guns, explosives, incendiary devices angry whites stormed the community shooting, looting, killing and destroying their property. The mobsters even utilized planes to drop bombs on the community to ensure it would not survive the ground and air attacks by white racists.
By June 1, 1921 as many as 300 blacks were murdered and many more injured. Approximately 35 square blocks of the community were destroyed by racists in the name of white supremacy.

Martin Luther King is being widely quoted during this traumatic time in American history. If history is studied and embraced King himself was shot by a Memphis Tennessee police officer  on April 8, 1968. King was alive on the balcony of the Loraine Hotel. He was taken to St. Joseph Hospital where soon after arriving he was smothered to death. The doctor proclaimed, “Stop working on thatnigger and let him die” before he met his timely death.

Read A Plot to Kill King written by Dr. William Pepper.

Do you understand the frustration now?

Can whites now embrace the truth instead of the cognitive dissonance that hampers your collective ability to reason?
The violence, rioting, destruction of property and murder is the historical method of operation by white males who stole this land, hijacked the historical narrative of this country only to become agitated when faced with the truth.

Now that you have been informed take that same level of energy you exude to denounce the protesters and looters are engaging in and denounce slavery and the generational wealth whites have enjoyed for 401-years.

Take that same energy and speak out against the savage inequality and the white privilege whites have collectively enjoyed from the herculean efforts whites have fought to sustain to keep African-Americans at the bottom.

Instead of denouncing the protestors and their acts of defiance take that same energy and acknowledge the fact African-Americans have never on the aggregate enslaved a people by way of torture like whites did in 1619.

Instead of denouncing the protestors and their acts of defiance take that same level of energy and acknowledge the fact publicly African-Americans have never created a United States Constitution to declare whites three-fifths of a human being and force them to work in bondage free of charge.
Instead of denouncing the protestors and their acts of defiance take that same level of energy and acknowledge what racist whites did to the black communities of Wilmington and Tulsa.

Acknowledge the fact white males have always been the historical aggressors and the oppressors.
More specifically, unlike Wilmington and Tulsa, the businesses, banks, Targets, Auto Zones and grocery stores that were destroyed in Minneapolis are not owned and controlled by those who live in that community. They are destroying property that is owned by outsiders who are sucking the economic blood from the places where African-Americans live.

In closing, stop focusing on the looting and destruction of property. Focus on the image of George Floyd calling for his mother as Chauvin took a life in a horrific fashion for all to see. Focus on that instead of items that can be replaced, unlike Floyd’s life.

Universal law, by way of Karma, has a perfect accounting system. If it takes Minneapolis burning down to the ground for the greater good then Minneapolis must burn.


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