Trump: The Devout Racist Declares War on America

Donald Trump has hijacked the lynching of George Floyd the germinate the societal seeds of white supremacy and racism to create mass chaos. He has stoked the racial coals in creating a fiery and dangerous climate of hate that is so grave that civil unrest is inevitable once those seeds come full bloom.

In the home children are socialized to abide by and respect parental authority.

In sports, franchises and athletes are expected to exercise decorum to respect their fellow competitors irrespective of the outcome.

American citizens are expected to show deference and respect to the office of the President of the United States irrespective of their politics.

My apologies in advance.

I do not show deference to the racist ilk of Donald Trump. I do not vibe with or associate with known bigots because I detest racism and vile scum like Trump.

Time-and-time again Trump has consistently demonstrated to has the intellect of a doorknob and the compassion of an assassin. Without question he is a piece of racist manure who is devoid of any traits that can be loosely associated with being a decent human being let alone a leader.
President “Chump” has yet to address systemic racism, police brutality and the call for justice in the lynching of George Floyd. The latter has been avoided by Trump because he endorses systemic racism and the principles of white supremacy. It would be unreasonable to expect a racist to demonstrate empathy and compassion for people with dark skin.

One can reasonably ask, how did Trump get to be such a devout racist?

Where did it come from?

President Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was arrested on Memorial Day in 1927 at a KKK rally in Queens, New York. Nearly 1000 Klansmen marched through Jamaica, Queens where a brawl erupted. Seven individuals were arrested and President Trump’s father was one of them. The elder Trump posted a $500 bond and was released.

Trump’s father began building homes and apartments in the 1930’s. Fred Trump passed down his business acumen and his racist beliefs to his son Donald Trump. The acumen and moral beliefs led to Trump having a civil rights claim filed against him. Both Trumps violated the Fair Housing Act of 1968 for their refusal to rent to African-Americans and Puerto-Ricans in properties they owed in Brooklyn and Queens back in October of 1972.

The Justice Department, who investigated the matter, and Trump reached a settlement on June 10, 1975. Trump signed an agreement that prohibited him from “discriminating against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling.” The Trumps were ordered to “thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis” with the Fair Housing Act.
Trump did not have an epiphany in his journey in becoming a bigot. It is reasonable to infer he was raised as such based on his father’s associations with the KKK and his acts as the so-called President.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

America is in serious trouble. Trump’s press conference yesterday on June 1, 2020 amounted to him declaring war on America by way of martial law. Trump has long demonstrated traits of being the American version of Adolf Hitler; a narcissistic dictator who is obsessed with power, ego and control. Through the concept of social engineering Trump has planted seeds that he hopes will culminate in universal martial law leading to civil unrest and war.

On August 15, 2017, when the white supremacists, neo-Nazi’s, KKK and White Nationalists assembled in Charlottesville, Virginia. It was their presence and racist rhetoric that fueled the violence. Protesters who opposed the hate-groups were verbally and physically attacked yet President Trump, true to his bigoted roots, suggested, “Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”

Trump continued, “You had a had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.”

Yesterday Trump further cemented his status as a devout bigot by declaring war on America in threatening the country with wide-spread martial law by referring to the looters as “THUGS” and suggesting the law enforcement should “dominate” protesters and looters to restore order.

Imagine if former President Barack Obama spoke ill of whites and Jews; he would have been run out of the oval office with deliberate speed. If Obama groped women in their private areas, mimicked handicapped people, and displayed a level of ineptitude that warranted impeachment, rest assured he would have been forced out of office. Obama’s complexion would not afford him the luxury to behave like President “Chump” and get away with it.

The racial divide in this country rivals the one that reigned during the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s; yet after many witnessed the lynching of George Floyd it has brought a segment of America together in this severe time of need.

Trumps ineptitude, bigotry and lack of compassion has us all living in a volatile state. He was bred by his father to be a bigot. He was bred to exude the type of temperament and brashness that is on full display for the entire world to see, but believe it or not there is still hope.

The time has arrived for the American people to rally around a common goal and remove Trump from the oval office effective immediately. We cannot afford to wait for the election. The climate is ripe for change and the time is now. While protesters march for the justice for George Floyd let’s simultaneously remove Trump by exercising our collective rights via The Declaration of Independence which states:

We hold these truths to be self-evidence, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely effect their Safety and Happiness.

If African-Americans assembled and demanded justice pleas would fall on deaf ears. African-American voices have never mattered to the white establishment. Now that whites, Hispanics, young, old, rich and poor are rallying around a common goal for George Floyd perhaps the necessary ingredients exist to incorporate the ousting the arrogant narcissistic bigot Trump.

Without question this country has become “destructive” and the people need to respond accordingly. We do not need an American version of Hitler running this country who is flirting with martial law.
Enough is enough.


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