ESPN refuses to acknowledge Greenberg's 'coon' blunder

Since ESPN nor Mike Greenberg took the liberty of acknowledging the "Martin Luther Coon" slur I took the liberty of contacting ESPN directly.
I sent the below email to Don Ohlmeyer. He is the ombudsman for ESPN:

Mr. Ohlmeyer,

Good afternoon. I'm seeking you out because of comments I heard from Mike Greenberg on his morning radio show on Jan. 18. Mr. Greenberg referred to MLK as "Martin Luther Coon King Jr." Video is provided in the below commentary so you can hear Mr. Greenberg's words for yourself.

Please read my perspective here:

I believe this is a situation that should be dealt with accordingly or minimum, acknowledged by your network. This can be a real "teachable moment" one way or the other.

I would like to set up an interview with you to discuss this situation. I think this matter should be discussed. The people should know what was said so positive dialogue can be initiated.

In closing I would like to hear from you regarding this matter. Whether it's a mistake on Mr. Greenberg's part or not this is a matter worthy of acknowledgement.

It would be greatly appreciated if I were dignified with a response.

Best wishes.

Dexter Rogers Email

Needless to say I've yet to hear anything from Ohlmeyer or anyone at ESPN.

I wonder why.


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